
Quotes....Seasons 1-3 | Fanfic...written by me...plz don't laugh | Episode guide....seasons 1-3 | Episode guide....Seasons 4-5 | Photos | About me | early scripts | Later-er scripts | Quotes...Seasons 4-5 | Links | Cast and characters | Music
kathryns slayers
About me

This is a page with info on me. It's pretty boring so don't read it unless you really, really have no life...Although if you're in my site you probably don't...lol I'm just kidding...Sorry, i got like, no sleep last night. So, i'm rambling...But here's some stuff about me :)


Ok...here we go.

My name is Kathryn Miranda Olsen (Or perhaps Miranda Kathryn Olsen, I'll let you decide...Or maybe, my last name's fake too...Or, perhaps I'm a 55 year old man named Tucker...You never know until you ask, do ya?). My birthdate is 17/4/86..I'll let you work out how old i am,...Couldn't be bothered.

I live in Albury..thats a hole in NSW (Yeah...Australia yay me!) I live with my mum, her boyfriend and my little bro. My parents are divorced and we see my dad sometimes...When he takes me away from my net...damn him.

I go to James Fallon High, and I'm in year 9. I do all the normal subjects, and my elective ones are photography and drama. Yeah, they gave us one less elective so we can do more maths...Wow am I excited!!! :(

My friends are: Erin (yeah, yeah ok ok James Marsters ISN'T anorexic **mutters under breath "Whateva!!!"**), Tash (Thank you for listening to me..."net, net, shannon, renee, jess, kristy, buffy, buffy, buffy, chat, blah blah blah"), Megan (Higgins..he he neva mind personal joke), Amie (well, sorta. Don't ask, it's way complicated), Amy, Amy, Sarah (A metre away from smg and no autograph!!! I'm SO gonna kill you!!!), Stacey, Mim, Irene, Kate, Erin, Kayla, Tegan, Jenni, Emma, Peta, Romney, Lucy, Marissa, Ashleigh, and I couldn't be bothered listing the rest...There are just too many...Lol don't i WISH?

Okay, Yahoo Chat is the BEST (Buffy room of course) And these are some of my better chat friends: Shannon (screen name: willowy_slayer)(NOTE: take note the word FRIEND...),Kristy (knewett), Renee (badass_buffy) (Ney is the best person for advice!! No bull shit. Go to her!!), Greg (seigfried39), Jess(angel_bitch_2001_2002), Faith (faiths_angels_rule), Crystal (crystaline973) (Crys is one of the nicest, sweetest ppl you'll ever meet..or chat to...shes a sweetie..mwaaa) Nicki (faith666_oz), Shannon(angel_vampire666), kat (crazy_kat_au) ummm...Mel (faiths_angel_69), kylie (faith_kicks_ass_2001_au) ash (faith_n_buffy_rock - i think), Abbie (blood_bath_au) and yeah, the others aren't important enough to list...Just kidding. I luvvvvv all my chat friends!! :) :) Chat people are strangely sweet and weirdly enough you get to know chat people REALLY well....

TV shows I luvvvvvvv: "Buffy", "Angel", "Dawson's Creek", "Saturday Night Live", "Friends", "Charmed", "Malcolm In the middle" ummm OOOO OOOO OO "Big brother!!" come onnn!! You KNOW u've watched it!! I swear, that is the BEST show!!! Heh pic of it down da bottom!!! and I'm sure I've missed something REAL important but I'm too tired to think.

Movies: "Bring It Onnnnnn", "Scary Movie", "Cruel Intentions", "American Pie", "The Virgin Suicides", "Heathers", "10 Things I Hate About You", "Bye Bye Love"...And the rest once again have left my head...Ahhh..."Gossip" is awesome too! :) OO i just saw "Save The Last Dance"...Man, that's an awesome movie...Gotta love the scrag between Julia Stiles and Bianca Lawson, don't chya?

Okay, I think that's all you need to know about me. I do judo..What fun...Not much else...Told ya I'm boring!!!




Sorrys...I like this pic!!!!

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